My Projects

I have done several projects both in and out of University, Here's a list of them all.


Minecraft Middle Earth is a minecraft server I have been involved with for several years now, helping to make posters and renders when they need them for events such as the Geldern Tolkein Tage

Castle GrimHollow

Castle Grimhollow is the name of my final project at university, I created this castle in Unreal Engine and Blender, based on a location from my Dungeons and Dragons campaign.

Room Design

Another university project, the goal of this one was to recreate a room in our house in a new style of our choice, my choice being to make it in a Sci-Fi style.

Redesigning Back to the Future

One of the Projects I was given at university was to redesign specific parts of the back to the future aesthetic and films, primary of those was the come up with an alternate version of a scene.

Lightsaber Generator

My first portfolio project and an exploration into Blender Geometry nodes, the goal with this project was to create a Geometry nodes setup that allowed me to create completely randomised lightsabers from a collection of premade parts.